Wednesday, June 24, 2009


你知道吗,我每个晚上都在做梦。都不懂是恶梦还是甜的梦。在我梦里常常都有你。现在在我生活里面,梦里梦外你都在。我日也想夜也想。我很想要把你忘了。但你的每一件事从我们相识到现在,没有一天我都可以忘记啊。在我眼里有千千万万的你。你给我的每一个回忆我都忘不了。我的心里好痛好痛。虽然我在你的面前但你就看不到我也听不到我!我好难过。我真希望你能看得到我也能听得到我但我知道这是没有可能的。我该怎么办?难道我们真的是。。。我好想要回头。我很怕要走前去。我也不懂我的心能坚强到及时。我每一天都在过生不如死的生活啊。你都不了解! 你都无法体会到的。我恨你!但我又爱你!我恨你什么都不说!我恨你不了解!我想你想到疯狂了你懂吗?在这个疯狂里面你也无法体会到的。你也无法体会我现在生不如死的生活。也许我讲的有太重了。但我讲的这些都是真心话啊。

Friday, June 12, 2009

i do not deny it. my whole heart and body is full of anger and hate for the one person who cause me to be like that. i will not forgive. i never will. i want to have my revenge but i do not know wether will i be able to have it. i hate her so much. i want to hate you to but it's just so hard. why do you have to force me to become like this? why?! what have i done to you? all this pain and devastation can be ended with just one sentence. why not just say it and end all of this?! why do you want to go on torturing me? why do you want to use my feelings against myself? why? why do you wan to keep on playing this game? i do not deny that as i am writing now my heart is so angry and full of hate! i hate her! i'm not sure wether i hate you! i hope you can see all the hings i'm writing but i know you never will. please just stop it!
you told me that it is me that me myself is the problem. and i trusted you. you told me i should be happier. bt i tried and i still do not see any difference. i know that i shouldn't be like that but the truth is there is no difference. and there will never be. i hope you will read my blog but i know you never will. i thought you understand but i was wrong. you said i was a different person. i tried to do as you say but now i know that the real different is you. i have been myself all along. well, maybe i haven't. not exactly. well, that's because i haven't had the chance. i thought you would help me change my life. but i was wrong. you broke my heart.

Friday, June 5, 2009

其实我到底做错了什么, 我自己都不懂。 我今天回来的时候,突然的觉得好难过。 应该是因为想起会有两天看不到他,我就难过。 但如果看到他的时候我又恨他没对我好,不要给我答案。 也许他很矛盾吧。 但我们这个问题都拖到很久了。 我觉得他一直的在逃避我们的事情。 他不要面对。我该怎么办呢? 我怎的是无可奈何了。 天阿。

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

回忆当初多少柔情深深种, 关山阻隔且把歌声遥遥送, 多少往事点点滴滴尽成空, 千丝万缕化作心头无穷痛. 君别后鸳鸯瓦冷霜华重,漫漫长夜翡翠衾寒谁与共, 临别叮咛天上人间会相逢, 一别茫茫魂魄为何不入梦 .情深似海,良辰美景何时再, 梦里梦外笑语温柔依依在, 也曾相见恍恍惚惚费疑猜, 魂儿梦儿来来往往应无碍. 旧日游踪半是荒草半是苔, 山盟犹在只剩孤影独徘徊. 三生有约等待等待又等待, 几番呼唤 归来归来盼归来.
我和你两个伴着灯儿坐. 我低头无语,你眉头深锁.好花好月好良宵,它不属于你. 也不属于我.心事几万重只有情默默. 想对灯儿说 灯儿不解我. 好花好月好良宵如此虚度过. 泪珠悄悄落.错错错. 一路走来是谁错? 这这这. 这份愁肠如何说.好花好月好良宵,你也是奈何. 我也奈何. 奈何! 奈何! 奈何! 奈何!
问燕儿你为何流浪. 问燕儿你为何飞翔. 我想用柔情万丈. 为你筑爱的宫墙.又怕这琼楼玉宇. 成不了你的天堂. 问燕儿你可愿留下.问燕儿你可愿成双. 燕儿啊如果你心有向往, 燕儿啊如果你志在四方, 我愿陪你流浪,陪你飞翔,陪你寻找你的方向. 有你的地方,就是我的家乡. 问燕儿你为谁惆怅. 问燕儿你为谁心伤. 我想守在你身旁为你遮雨露风霜. 又怕你飘然远去. 让孤独笑我痴狂.